Our Monday was a pretty good one and not to busy. Most of our Mondays are like that. Tuesdays however are not. Tuesdays are usually the day that I'm completely recovered from our weekend (thanks to our Mondays of relaxing) and is when I hit the ground running. Punkin has gymnastics at 3:45 on Tuesdays so I usually try to make sure I get up the first time my alarm goes off or by the latest when I hear my husbands truck leave. As I'm up and getting my coffee and the girls their breakfast my mind starts going with all the things I have on my to do list, a lot of which was on my Monday list that gets put off. As the girls eat their breakfast I'm starting a load of clothes and picking up what I didn't pick up the night before and stopping in between to play games or chase the girls or deal with the dogs etc. I am not a morning person and pretty cranky in the morning so as soon as I get up I have to start moving or I won't do a thing all day. I also can't stop because if I do and sit down to relax before my to do list is done I will not get up.
So anyways, I realized today that I have been feeling really guilty for putting off my workouts then I realized I should not be at all. Because, just on Tuesdays I get plenty of a work out from just being a mom/taxi driver. After getting breakfast, breakfast dishes, three loads of clothes, which I don't think there is a such thing as being caught up on laundry unless your have a naked day because you are always wearing clothes, playing with the girls off and on in between my chores, lunch, lunch clean up, nap time, me getting ready during nap time, and making sure the girls are up from their nap by 3pm to be at gymnastics on time is a work out in itself. Then loading two kids in the truck, wrestling two dogs outside and its so hot they don't want to go outside, and having to put our St. Bernard in the laundry room because its to hot outside for her and wrestling her to stay inside and not getting in the truck and then playing 20 questions of why with Punkin on our way to gymnastics I'm exhausted! I do however try to answer all of her questions with the correct answer in toddler language because I don't want to tell her what I was always told "because I said so" and it usually works. Then when we finally get to gymnastics Punkin goes to her class and Doodle Bug and I head upstairs to watch and its so miserably hot that her 40min class seem to last a life time, but Punkin loves it and is so cute it makes it worth it then after class we get an icee and go by hubbys work to see him (he's usually working late on Tuesdays) and today we had to go to the grocery store then come home to cook dinner pick up the playroom and do baths and bedtime routines and I have to say when 8:00pm finally got here all I wanted to do and could do was sit on my couch with my feet up and watch my dvr. But I have to say that was nice and I will have to do dinner dishes in the morning because I'm not doing them now! They can wait. Tuesdays also make me love Wednesdays even more especially tomorrow because last week the girls were sick so they didn't go to my parents and tomorrow they are. I wish my plans were to relax but I'm going to do some much needed scrubbing and filing paperwork. Usually without the girls here I can do both of those in no more than a hour in a half tops so that still leaves me with an hour in a half do whatever :)
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