Have you ever had the feelings where you just get burnt out? You don't feel like doing anything and feel like your here but not here. This is how I've felt for the past couple of days. Just in a blah mood. I know a lot of people get like this, or at least I hope so, I hope I'm not the only one! I don't know what it is or maybe I do I'm not sure.
Wednesday I had class and my hubby was pushing the time he got home and not because he was working late. The girls were not cooperating, Doodle Bug is teething and Punkin had a tummy ache so I burnt the dinner, didn't finish straighting my hair, and kept tripping over them because all they wanted was to be held. So by the time my hubby got home I was angry because he got off early and didn't come home to help, when he knew I had class, but he was helping his dad. So him not coming home in enough time caused a fight. When I got home I was so tired and baffled because I had no idea what the teacher was talking about I just wanted to go to bed. I wasn't able to go to bed because Punkin was still up and kept getting out of bed and I had a lot of homework and we were trying to talk out our problem. Needless to say the talking didn't work out because of the girls and he got frustrated and went to bed and so I got on the couch to study where I passed out.
One of the other reasons why I think I'm in this blah mood is our budget is getting a little tight with our vacation coming up and because I had to pay for my school up front and will get the money back after 30 days of being in school. We also have a few new medical bills we just received. YAY! :( (sarcasm). My hubby gets paid every week and they are doing really well at work so that helps because we have at least a ten day grace period on everything but you can still fill the crunch. Have you ever had the feeling when you are checking your account balance and your stomach gets all queezy because your scared of how much money is not in the bank? That's how I have felt all week and I keep telling myself everything will be okay in about three weeks when I get my school money but still those two -in-half three weeks seems so far away and I know its really not, it is already September right? We are trying to get out of debt completely with the exception of our house note and every time we make head way something happens and we have to pull money out of a magic hat. It can be very discouraging! We were working on the Dave Ramsy plan because my parents did that and so did hubby's aunt and uncle and it worked great, I don't know their details on how they did it but my parents were amazing. They had four times as much debt as we do and got completely out of debt and their savings account built up in only two years! The only thing that is not paid for is the house because they are building up their retirement fund now. We have less debt than they do and almost the same income and I just can't manage to get where they are and its depressing, especially when you are trying and trying and stuff starts happening that throws a wrench in our plan.
I know that we are doing very well for ourselves especially for our ages, 23 and 26. We are happily married with two wonderful healthy little girls, we are healthy, and we have a very loving and supportive family. We own our home, have two paid off cars (his) and a nice family car (mine). We don't even really have that much credit card debt, we have three cards all with a balance of less that a thousand on it. I just wish we didn't have them at all.
So last night after my break down to my best friends she re-assured me that everything will be okay and her dad used to do re-pos and can help you budget even for those who are months behind on something and help them in like two months be caught up with savings....amazing! So she helped me get set me up on a plan so I'm a little more hopeful and still waiting on that money but I know it will be okay. My hubby hit a record at his work with the second most hours in the the body shop history, he gets 5 paychecks next month, I get my school money in a couple of weeks, bonus in December. If I can just get the patience I'll be okay right? I still need some convincing can you tell?
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Awww sweetie, I know these feelings all too well. But it will work out. As the saying goes "nothing worth having is ever easy" We are very similar because I too am waiting to refunds from financial aid. I had to buy microsoft office at $150.00!!! So that hurt the budget a bit! It can seem overwhelming at times, but just take deep breaths. Remember people are more important than things. Make the time with your hubby to talk things through. When in school a schedule and SUPPORT is a must have! I wish you all the very best.
Oh no! Hang in there! You are definitely not alone, I think everyone has blah days, at least I know I do! Plus there are those days where no matter what I do nothing seems to go right! Budgets suck! It's so emotionally draining and stressful to struggle with money. But I know you can do it!! This too shall pass!